The Maldives, a picturesque island nation in the Indian Ocean, has long been known for its stunning natural beauty. However, in recent years, the country has been facing a growing environmental threat that is often overlooked - visual pollution. This form of pollution is the presence of man-made structures and objects that mar the natural beauty of the environment, and it poses a significant threat to the economy of the Maldives. Visual pollution can take many forms, from littered plastic waste on the beaches to the unregulated construction of buildings and structures that clash with the natural surroundings. Plastic waste is a major source of visual pollution in the Maldives, as tourists and locals alike often leave behind single-use items such as plastic bags and bottles. This waste not only ruins the aesthetic appeal of the environm ent but also poses a significant threat to the Maldives' marine life. Visual pollution not only harms the environment but also has economic conseque...